Want to find the best price for an item?
We know finding the best price for an item is important to you! To make your shopping experience easier, our EVERYSTORE guide provides you with quick and important information about the price points of items. This detail will show you where a specified item falls in a spectrum of similar items across multiple stores!
Find the best price for you!
- The dollar signs on the far left rate the price of the item you have picked out. The more green dollar signs, the better the price point of the item!
- Past the dollar signs, you will find the average, low and high price points for items similar to the one you chose. These price points are taken from items across multiple stores.
- Clicking the "more" link will open a graph so you can see exactly where the item you chose lies when compared to similar items. Your item will be highlighted in blue on the graph (on the graph below, the chosen item is priced $159.99).
- To view the similar items, simply click on a different price point highlighted in pink on the graph (ex. you would click $219.99 on the graph above). This will open up a new window where you can view the similar item!